Boredom Busters

Being a stay at home mom can be hectic! Some days I don’t even realize where the time went.  Other days, I feel like I’ve used all my songs, dances, and distraction techniques, don’t know how I’m going to make it until bedtime. Here are some things to do with your little one, when you can’t think of anything else!

0-3 Months

Sorry! There really isn’t that much you can do with a newborn besides feed them, burp them, change them, and put them to sleep.  Just being in the world is stimulating enough! Just narrate your day, naming objects and describing what you’re doing.  She’ll be happy to watch you empty the dishwasher!

3-6 Months


Gymboree Oodles of Bubbles

Gymboree Oodles of Bubbles are awesome!! I take Miss Bea to Gymboree classes, and they blow these bubbles. They are seriously the best bubbles ever.  You get a ton of them, and they don’t really pop right away.  Babies LOVE watching bubbles, and it helps with their visual tracking.

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